The Washington Times: Ethics attacks on Justice Thomas meant to drive him off court, conservatives warn

The Washington Times

Republicans are rallying to defend Justice Clarence Thomas against a barrage of ethics allegations, saying they are poorly veiled attempts to delegitimize the Supreme Court and silence a prominent Black conservative.

Mike Davis, president of the Article III Project and a former clerk to Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, said the critical focus on Justice Thomas began with his confirmation hearing in 1991 when he was hit with Anita Hill’s sexual harassment allegations. The justice’s critics sense a particularly good reason to try to oust him right now.

“The Democrats think they have a window of opportunity here with a Democrat White House and a Democrat Senate to chase Clarence Thomas off the Supreme Court by running an organized political campaign by Democrat politicians and their lapdogs in the media,” Mr. Davis said.

“It will only embolden Clarence Thomas,” he said.

Read the full article HERE.