The New York Post: At least two Republican DAs want to prosecute Bidens: Rep. James Comer

The New York Post

At least two local GOP prosecutors are looking at ways to charge President Biden and his family amid Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer revealed Wednesday.

Mike Davis, a former chief counsel for nominations on the Senate Judiciary Committee and president of the Article III Project, floated legal theories for possible prosecutions.

“I think our Republican AGs and DAs should get creative,” Davis said.

“You just need probable cause. A grand jury can indict a ham sandwich. We just saw that in New York. And the Bidens actually committed real crimes. These are real crimes that the Bidens committed. There is smoking-gun evidence that the Bidens were corruptly and illegally on Chinese and Ukrainian oligarchs’ payrolls.”

Davis pointed to Hunter and James Biden’s partnership with CEFC China Energy in 2017 and 2018, which also allegedly involved Joe Biden, as potential grounds for charges.

“I understand the Bidens may have had some oil and gas deals that deal with Texas. I think maybe Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton should start looking at this long and hard … and Louisiana with [Republican state Attorney General Jeff] Landry,” Davis told The Post. “Paxton and Landry, they need to look at this. And if you can find a conspiracy and any of the overt acts of a conspiracy are committed in any of those states, you can bring charges.”

Davis added that Republican prosecutors should review whether their jurisdictions have “long-arm” corruption statutes and whether the Bidens might owe state taxes for work performed within their borders.

“If you are making money in a state and you’re liable for state taxes, you’re not paying them — sure [that’s illegal],” he said. “These Republican state attorneys general and Republican DAs and Republican prosecutors need to make sure that any and all allegations against the Bidens get a full and fair consideration.”

Read the full article HERE.