PJ Media: ‘Election Interference’: Republicans Slam Newest Trump IndictmentPJ Media:

PJ Media

Former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump was just indicted again, and Republicans have reacted by calling the indictment politically driven and “election interference.”

Article III Project founder and president Mike Davis issued a lengthy statement. He began by noting that the Trump indictment dropped right after Hunter’s former business partner Devon Archer’s testimony exposed the corruption of Joe and Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings and Joe’s lies. Trump, Davis said, was indicted for “the non-crime of twisting political arms and objecting to a presidential election, which before today was only illegal in third-world Marxist hellholes.” He continued:

Biden clearly fears he may not beat Trump in the next election…using novel and absurd legal theories, [AG Merrick] Garland, Smith, and the Biden Justice Department want a DC prosecutor, judge, and jury–instead of the American people–to decide the next election. If you can’t beat him, indict him.

This is election interference at its worst. This will not fly with the American people. It’s long past time for House Republicans to defund Jack Smith–and to impeach Biden and Garland for their corruption, obstruction, and election interference.

Read the full article HERE.