NBC News: ‘Rife with political risks’: Why Garland faces tough calls in considering Trump charges

NBC News

Over the past 16 months, the federal government sent letters and emails, made phone calls, issued a criminal subpoena and finally executed a search warrant to retrieve a bewildering number of sensitive government records from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and club in Palm Beach, Florida.

In a court hearing last week, Trump’s legal team previewed some of its potential legal defense, which seeks to make the controversy a dispute about records management and storage, not endangering national security, comparing it to a case of overdue library books, a metaphor expanded on by Mike Davis, a conservative attorney who has advised Trump’s legal team informally. 

“This is like the librarian calling the police for overdue books that don’t belong to the library,” Davis said, espousing the widely contested view that the former president had expansive rights to the documents that can’t be compared to those of any other citizen except another former occupant of the White House.

Read the full article HERE.