Mike Davis for Newsweek: The Biden-Harris Radical Scheme to Pack the Supreme Court

In Wednesday night’s vice presidential debate, Senator Kamala Harris refused to answer a simple question: Would a Biden-Harris administration “pack the Supreme Court?” For many Americans, this was the first time they’d heard this phrase. Not since the 1930s have our nation’s leaders seriously considered such a radical scheme. “Court-packing” would increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court, giving the president in office the ability to fill newly created and vacant seats and thus tilting the Court in that ideological direction.

Like Harris, former Vice President Joe Biden has also repeatedly dodged the court-packing question, stating on Thursday that he won’t even deign to tell American voters his position until after next month’s election. In other words, Biden-Harris won’t tell us the obvious: They plan to jam through court-packing—their radical assault on judicial independence—if they win in November.

The court-packing drumbeat by many on the Left—which started well before the current vacancy—became so loud that even the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg felt compelled to make an extraordinary public denouncement of it last year.

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