Fox News: Sotomayor’s wealth has skyrocketed since joining Supreme Court, raising ethics concerns

Fox News

Sonia Sotomayor’s net worth has increased significantly since joining the nation’s highest court, according to financial disclosure forms amid new revelations about the Supreme Court justice’s efforts to promote her books.

Sotomayor was nominated by then-President Barack Obama to join the Supreme Court in 2009. At the time, her wealth was a small fraction of what it is now.

One reason for the sharp increase in Sotomayor’s investments and overall wealth is the money she’s made from writing books. On Tuesday, the Associated Press reported that her staff has often “prodded” public institutions that have hosted the justice to buy her memoir or children’s books — works that have made her at least $3.7 million since joining the Supreme Court and continue to rake in six-figure royalty payments annually.

According to the AP, Sotomayor’s publisher, Penguin Random House, has played a role in organizing her talks, even pressing public institutions to commit to buying a certain number of copies or requesting attendees purchase books to obtain tickets.

Sotomayor didn’t recuse herself from multiple cases before the Supreme Court involving Random House, despite earning significant money from her book deal with the publisher.

“Justice Sotomayor is a good person who appears to have made a mistake by having her staff sell her books, including what appears as pressure on schools and libraries to buy a minimum number of her books before her speaking engagements,” Mike Davis, founder and president of the Article III Project, told Fox News Digital. “She acknowledges she made a mistake by failing to recuse from several cases involving her book publisher. The Supreme Court has adequate mechanisms in place to deal with these mistakes, and the Supreme Court has already taken corrective measures.”

“The media ignores Justice Sotomayor receiving gifts while attacking Justices Thomas and Alito,” tweeted Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark. “Once again, there is a different standard for conservatives.”

That point was echoed by Davis, who formerly served as chief counsel for nominations to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.

“What is unmistakable is the deafening silence of so many Democrats and others on the left who have constantly attacked conservative Supreme Court justices — and for far less,” said Davis. “If Senate Democrats actually cared about ethics, they’d start by cleaning up the crack den called the Biden White House.”

Read the full article HERE.