Fox News: Schumer, Durbin, and Whitehouse voted against vast majority of Trump minority appeals court nominees

Fox News

Some of the top Democrat senators expected to be involved in advancing President Biden’s Supreme Court nominee – who Biden promised would be a Black woman – voted against the vast majority of former President Donald Trump‘s appeals court nominees who were not white men.

According to an analysis from the right-leaning Article III Project, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., voted against 95% of minority appeals court nominees from Trump. 

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, D-Ill., meanwhile, voted against 81% of such nominees, according to the analysis. And Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., one of the most vocal members of the Judiciary Committee, voted against 71% of Trump’s minority appeals court nominees. 

The analysis by the Article III Project also identifies dozens of other minority federal court nominees from Trump and former President George W. Bush that at least one the three senators opposed. 

“Democrats talk a big game on diversity in the courts and about how representation matters, but their records don’t match their rhetoric,” Article III Project founder and president Mike Davis said of the analysis, first shared with Fox News. “These Democrats are quick to weaponize race and gender to achieve their progressive political goals, but diversity in the workplace, racial progress, and gender equality clearly aren’t their real priorities.”

Davis added: “As Democrats prepare to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court, remember how they treated Clarence Thomas, Janice Rogers Brown, Miguel Estrada, and Amy Coney Barrett during their confirmation processes.”

The Article III Project analysis comes as Democrats are attacking some Republicans who criticized Biden’s promise to nominate a Black woman and as the White House has already implied racism may be a factor in GOP opposition to a Biden nominee. 

Read the full article HERE.