Fox News: Biden judicial nominee under fire for alleged lack of legal knowledge, experience

Fox News

President Joe Biden’s nominee for a federal judgeship in Washington state is facing scrutiny for what critics call an insufficient resume after already triggering backlash over her nomination when she recently failed to answer simple questions about the Constitution.

Judge Charnelle Bjelkengren of Spokane County Superior Court made headlines last month during her confirmation hearing to serve on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Washington.

Appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Bjelkengren was quizzed about basic knowledge of the Constitution.

“This is what happens when diversity and so-called equity are prioritized over experience and qualifications,” Mike Davis, founder and president of the Article III Project, told Fox News Digital. “Charnelle Bjelkengren has no business filling a lifetime seat on the federal bench. She wasn’t able to answer basic questions about the Constitution that any first-year law student should know. That should be immediately disqualifying.”

Davis, who formerly served as chief counsel for nominations to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, noted that Bjelkengren couldn’t list the minimum number of cases requested by the committee that she handled before reiterating his belief that the nominee is unqualified.

“Bjelkengren obviously lacks the experience, qualifications and readiness to serve,” he said. “Her nomination is purely a result of having the right politics, the right demographics and the right friends.”

Read the full article HERE.