Daily Mail: Republicans say White House ‘intentionally’ left out details of a horror child porn case where Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson ‘didn’t follow sentencing guidelines’ for man who had 6,500 child porn images

Daily Mail

Republicans are furiously asserting that the White House ‘intentionally’ engaged in a ‘cover up’ by not turn over materials to the Judiciary Committee on a child pornography case where Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson significantly broke from the probation office recommendation.

‘Not only does this case, which Judge Jackson left off her list of child abuse cases, undercut her argument that she followed the probation office’s recommended sentences, but it also underscores the perils of moving too quickly in the vetting process,’ a Republican Judiciary Committee aide told Fox News.

‘Committee Republicans only just got the sentencing transcript for this case on Friday, after the hearing had ended,’ the GOP aide said. ‘Clearly, the White House either didn’t thoroughly vet the nominee, or were aware of the record and the intentionally left it out in hopes that the nominee would be confirmed before the full record could be uncovered and reviewed.’

In response to the report, Republican Judiciary member Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina tweeted: ‘The Senate should be provided all relevant information before voting on this nomination.’

‘When we first highlighted her record on child porn cases, the White House leaked information to their friends in the media and Democrats on the Judiciary Committee,’ GOP Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri told Fox. ‘They hid it from the public despite knowing Judge Jackson gives lenient sentences to criminals. The White House is still refusing to be transparent about Judge Jackson’s record.’

‘This is a cover-up by the Biden White House and Senate Democrats,’ Article III Project founder Mike Davis told Fox.

‘They’re covering up her record. They intentionally omitted this case from less than a year ago because it did not fit their political narrative.’

Read the full article HERE.