FOX NEWS: Biden judicial nominee on board of prison ‘abolitionist’ group

Fox News

One of President Biden’s latest judicial nominees serves on the board of a group that backed calls to defund the police and has called to abolish prisons. 

Biden nominated Roopali Desai, a litigation partner at the law firm Coppersmith Brockelman, to the 9th Circuit Appeals Court bench last month.

“Roopali Desai’s disturbing record makes her unfit to serve in the federal judiciary,” Article III Project founder and president Mike Davis told Fox News Digital. “Desai has spent her professional career championing a radical left-wing agenda.”

“She helped lead an organization that supports abolishing prisons and defunding police. Desai also partnered with teachers’ unions to indoctrinate our children with Critical Race Theory,” Davis said. “Her position as a board member of the Arizona ACLU and time spent working as an attorney for Planned Parenthood expose her for what she is – a far-left activist driven by a dangerous ideology.”

“Given the revelations brought to light by the Article III Project, Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly should be ashamed of their support for Roopali Desai,” he continued. “As Arizona’s home state senators, they have a responsibility to lead the fight against the nomination of such a radical, unqualified person, not blindly cheerlead for an extremist who doesn’t represent the values of their state.”

Davis added that since “Sinema and Kelly refuse to do their jobs, President Biden should immediately withdraw Roopali Desai’s nomination to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.”

Republicans, so far this term, have forced Democrats to call cloture votes on every single one of Biden’s 69 nominees. Democrats, at this point in Trump’s term, only forced cloture votes on two of Trump’s 42 appointments, though they later made that standard practice for nearly all of Trump’s picks.

But in a world in which the judicial filibuster is a thing of the past, Republicans’ nearly uniform resistance to Biden’s nominees isn’t truly slowing Senate Democrats down. Nevertheless, they’ll have their work cut out for them to catch Trump’s 234 total federal judges appointed during his term. The former president picked up his pace during his final two years.

Neither the White House nor Desai immediately responded to Fox News Digital’s requests for comment.

Read the full article HERE.