Article III Project Statement on Garland’s Appointment of David Weiss to Oversee Hunter Biden Probe

WASHINGTON — Mike Davis, Founder and President of the Article III Project, issued the following statement after Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss as a special counsel in the investigation of Hunter Biden.

“Today’s special counsel appointment is Garland’s next coverup for—and protection of—his boss, President Joe Biden. Since early 2020, Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, handpicked by both Democrat senators, buried evidence deemed credible by another U.S. attorney that Biden is compromised by a $10 million foreign bribe as Vice President. Then Weiss orchestrated an unprecedented sweetheart deal and included a back-door pardon for Hunter Biden—which protects President Biden.

“When this scandal got exposed by Judge Maryellen Noreika, we now have today’s special counsel appointment. Weiss has proven himself as a loyal political foot soldier for Biden. And Garland’s appointment of Weiss as special counsel, with his ‘ongoing investigation,’ will simply shield Biden from accountability before the 2024 election. Now Garland and Weiss want to move Hunter’s criminal case away from Judge Noreika in Delaware to a more compliant Democrat judge in California or D.C. This is an obvious coverup,” said Davis.

The Article III Project (A3P) was founded by veteran GOP operative and attorney Mike Davis, who, after helping win the Senate confirmation battles of Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, developed the reputation as a “take-no-prisoners conservative eager to challenge the left with hardball tactics,” as reported in The New York Times.

A3P defends constitutionalist judges, punches back on radical assaults on judicial independence (like court-packing) and opposes judicial and other nominees who are outside of the mainstream. Davis previously served as Chief Counsel for Nominations to Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary and led the Senate confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and a record number of circuit court judges.
