The Daily Caller: Colorado Secretary Of State Who Supports Removing Trump From Ballot Attended Private Biden Campaign Fundraiser

The Daily Caller

Democratic Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold attended a closed-door campaign event for President Joe Biden in November, according to remarks on the White House website.

Mike Davis, founder and president of the Article III Project, said Griswold has been leading the effort to remove Trump from the ballot in Colorado and should not be campaigning with Biden behind closed doors.

“Secretaries of State are supposed to administer elections and determine ballot eligibility in a nonpartisan manner. Jena Griswold, who has been leading the illegal campaign to remove Trump from the ballot in Colorado, shouldn’t be campaigning with Joe Biden behind closed doors among wealthy donors while claiming to be impartial in her job,” Davis told the Caller.

“It’s clear her support of the effort to disqualify President Trump is partisan and political. She should stick to her day job instead of moonlighting as a Democrat Party campaign operative,” Davis added.

Read the full article HERE.