Justice Sonia Sotomayor seems to have lost respect for her colleagues on the Supreme Court — literally.
In several of her major dissenting opinions last year, Justice Sotomayor dropped the usual decorum, in which justices write that they “respectfully dissent,” and instead flatly declared “I dissent.”
Court observers said it’s a sign of growing frustration on the part of Justice Sotomayor and the high court’s two other Democrat-appointed members, who are limited in their ability to prevail on the big questions of law that are reaching the court with increasing frequency.
Mike Davis, a court watcher and founder of the Article III Project, said the liberal justices feel embattled.
“I do sense there’s more tension than normal and I think it’s because the three Democratic appointees kind of feel desperate,” Mr. Davis told The Washington Times. “They feel it’s 6-3. Sometimes they can pick off [Justice Brett M.] Kavanaugh and the chief, but they’re going to be in the minority for probably the rest of their lives.”
Whatever the public disputes, it’s conventional wisdom that the justices do get along, and Mr. Davis said that is indeed true.
“Like siblings, Supreme Court justices are stuck together for life. So they try to get along, and they do get along for the most part. It’s a mostly functional family,” he said.
Read the full article HERE.